Sunday, May 17, 2009
.. And Then - As A Small Unfortunate Organism
.. And then - as a small unfortunate organism with all these(it) Cares will consult. So move, from the point of view look up in search engine of health, years preschool. As we see, the angular deviation(rejection) set right at the beginning of a vital way, Continues to accrue(increase) in relation to an optimum line. And in fact, figuratively Being expressed, each degree, let alone tens degrees of a deviation(rejection) in The beginning of a route, leads to falling of a body started into a vital orbit, Let's tell so: with a huge falling short, first, in absolutely other party(side), Secondly, with flight on very low trajectory, thirdly... These are reserves of physical health. And now we shall ponder: as business(affairs) are With reserves of development of intelligence Mentalities Sanguineous and multilateral We shall not forget that powerful spirit - one of The major, the basic firm health. With bitterness we shall tell, that These reserves at ours the Shred have been involved in even smaller degree, than Reserves physiological. It is known, that practically any juvenile child (Except for genetically damaged(injured), certainly) possesses so Enormous potentialities of perception(recognition) and processing of the diverse information, Going from the outside, that among people of mature age with them in this respect can To be compared only selected(elected) units as which we count as geniuses. Early and Superearly development, for example, carried out through game, through categories Interesting and fascinating for the kid, there is such reserve of development Persons to whom the next years already anything also will never be compared. It is curious, that clever and knowing scientists-teachers in our country- Priority to all other civilized world - have made(produced) a set Toys which are capable to accelerate becoming substantially Cogitative, logic, search skills at the child. Many years of a toy These(It) remain toys only for the to mountain-inventors, because they Are cheap both to departments and factories them to produce(make) it is economically unprofitable. And Manufacturing dolls with porcelain proceeds, and Armored troop-carriers, moving from flat .
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