Wednesday, June 24, 2009

However, Instead Of The Look On The

"But the mobilization is immediate killer cells, unlike T cells that need to be educated. The learning behavior of these natural killer cells thus quell the enemy before it progresses in the body, the challenge is to intensify the progression of natural immune system to be more effective and efficient in developing anti herpes approach fighting the virus. The natural killer cells play an important role in eliminating the infection, that is how the immune system is set up to function in regular infection attacks, but the Herpes virus is much too strong and infection demand much stronger immune system. Most initial viral load is a substantial pressure on immune system of the body, that in most cases suppress the immune system and the virus is established in the body for the rest of life. " by New research on pathogens causing genital herpes

However, instead of the look on the black lines forming the letters, throw easy sights at their white parts which have been not covered with a paint. Genital Herpes From time to time close for a minute of an eye and recollect any objects of white colour: white snow, a white paint, white clouds in the sky etc. It will give the chance to the person uncovered to see more white a paint of a part of letters, than fields of the verifying table and as the whiteness of white parts of letters increases also their blackness accordingly increases. As consequence, letters become more accurately visible. Everything that to pleasantly person, is considered in system Bejtsa for memoirs and useful to sight improvement. If the brain of the person is occupied by memoirs of any objects, events etc., causing in it pleasant feelings mentality, receiving rest, to some extent relaxes. In some cases the memoirs of black objects are given to people hardly. Then you can go two ways. You can achieve memoirs of black objects by means of bringing (auxiliary) exercises.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Even Such Simple Thing, As A Point, -

"This medical data from around the world have allowed to see the real picture and draw the boundaries of herpes virus spread. It is well over 500 million people worldwide infected with genital herpes, according to the WHO World Health Organization, its almost twice the size of United States. It is well over 20 million people each year contract a sexually transmitted disease, according to a study released by the World Health Organization (WHO ). It is this study first have put into perspective the research and analysis under the conducted study parameters on the Herpes disease, it estimated that approximately 16% of the global population aged 15 to 49 carry the virus (!!!). " by World Health Organization (WHO ) on HERPES Outbreak

Even such simple thing, as a point, - It is possible to recollect absolutely black and absolutely motionless More, than shares of second. When moving is not carried out unconsciously, it(him) It is necessary to do(make) meaningly. For Genital Herpes STD example, recollect one behind another Black hat, black boot, black velveteen dress, - a curtain or a fold on a black dress or - , keeping each thing in memory no more a share of second. Many people are helped(assisted) by search with memory of all letters of the alphabet on Turns, recollecting their absolutely black. Others prefer To move from one small black object, such as The black point or the small letter, on another or "to shake" Such object in the way which will be described later " [16, .71]. Therefore in achievement of vision of a black field you it is active - to use and exercises on moving and - (. 3.4.2.). Here a simple example of use - in vision of black object. Look on what-- Be the letter and continuously move a sight from one side of this Letters on another.

Saturday, June 20, 2009


"It is well over 500 million people worldwide infected with genital herpes, according to the WHO World Health Organization, its almost twice the size of United States. It is well over 20 million people each year contract a sexually transmitted disease, according to a study released by the World Health Organization (WHO ). It is this study first have put into perspective the research and analysis under the conducted study parameters on the Herpes disease, it estimated that approximately 16% of the global population aged 15 to 49 carry the virus (!!!). The disease is particularly widespread in sub-Saharan Africa where over 70% of women are infected. " by World Health Organization (WHO ) on HERPES Outbreak

THE WHOLE FLOOR FROM ONE ONLY CAGES And now - we will rise upwards on qualitatively new step of hierarchy live, to understanding of norm of health at level of so unimaginably complex formation, STD Genital Herpes as a cage. And at once we will underline that the strongly pronounced, appreciable distance between these steps is obvious also there is a size arising more likely for convenience of abstract construction, than existing in nature for cage functioning is directly connected with activity of molecular constructions. Here an example: as have shown quite authentic researches, work of enzymes is connected with mechanical moving of a part of an albuminous macromolecule. It is compressed and unclenched at processing of each molecule of substance-substratum. Number of these molecules-bricks processed by a molecule-industrial complex in unit of time, name number of turns of enzyme. It is a measure of speed reactions. In 1968 professor S.E.Shmol (the institute of biological physics at Academy of sciences of the USSR) has compared number of turns of enzymes with frequency characteristics musical.

Mechanisms Of Occurrence Of The Food Infringements Described

"By may private accounts, there is an effective antiviral herpes treatment that can reduce the outbreak of herpes and bring it to absolute minimum but only provided they are taken from the very beginning of the outbreaks, hence the importance of identifying the warning signs of a herpes simplex in the form of cold sore and respond immediately. It is alway wise to consult his doctor at the outset of the crisis, to confirm the diagnosis on the type of herpes virus the individual has. It may prescribe the most common and an expensive antiviral like acyclovir or its derivative valacyclovir but also very expensive solution. If this medication will be taken soon at the outset of the crisis, it will be more effective in treating the cause and effect of the outbreak. " by Herpes: preventing the cold sore, you can!

Mechanisms of occurrence of the food infringements described above, till now precisely are not established. We will specify only that these phenomena are Herpes STD peculiar only to the person, but in any way animals. Animals react to stress absolutely on another. They or attack or escape, that is in both cases start muscles. In human this sort of society of reaction frequently happen are forbidden. More often we do not rush on the offenders with fists, as though we would like that, and as that we lower this business on brakes. Here again, as the natural way to improve mood to relax and calm down is to eat. Hyperfagichesky reactions have only just started to be studied. And it is a lot of questions still remain not clear. Which that managed to be found out and in our researches. So, under our data, frequency of occurrence of food infringements accrues with the years. They are very rare at children and young men till 20 years, however further their frequency accrues. And still, food infringements at women meet approximately in 10 times more often, than at men.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Points Should Detain Not Less Than 70 %

"During the last decade the number projects have increased, regulations have made it possible and advertisements recognizing "the right of every woman to reproductive health" is being put up around the continent. The concern deepening with the understanding of the fact of circumstantial motherhood in many countries, whereas the the right to avoid unwanted pregnancies have been finally recognized, this will help women in Africa to care more about their own health when it comes to abortion when today many using mainly chemical methods to get rid of the unwanted child. In a country like DR Congo, where the words and acts as anti-natalist abortion are prohibited by law, to spend long days, television, advertising and promotion campaigns on drugs and other devices that do perform only one effect: the death and expulsion of the human embryo in the early stages of development. In the current debate mainly from those who do not live or share the life experience of the African woman in countries like Congo there are those who do not want contraception is equivalent to abortion practices, support the pregnancy, or better human life begins only from the implantation of the fertilized ovum in the endometrium of the uterus and not from fertilization. " by Africa following the suit

Points should detain not less than 70 % of an incident light. At , for example, to a delay of light they are already almost useless. C.L.Tomson advises also to do the following check of sun glasses. It is STD Genital Herpes necessary, having removed them from itself for length of an outstretched arm, to look through them at any remote object. It should not look increased or reduced. Besides, at movement of points it should not be observed any "ripples"; 3. Accustom eyes to bright light. It is reached through exercises on (section 3.4.6 see.). In a question on the relation to points with optical lenses the opinion of Bejtsa and its pupils disperses from the standard views. The researches conducted by Bejtsom have allowed it to assert that would be erroneous to consider a refraction of eyes an invariable condition. He writes that "the theory that anomalies of a refraction are caused by eyeball deformations, naturally conducts to a conclusion that they represent invariable conditions and that the normal refraction is too a certain constant condition.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

So, For Example, Though I Consider That Mutational

"However the vaccine against Herpes virus has never been developed despite many attempts and effort on the part of medical research labs. It pose many questions. Historically, the disappearance of such diseases as diphtheria, yet deadly in 1945, or smallpox eradicated in 1980, the decline in tetanus and tuberculosis are mainly due to the systematic practice of vaccination at an early age conducted by public health providers from year to year. Today, the danger is Herpes and STD viruses and infections that we believe to have been serious and often fatal, while the risk of contamination is present and eminent we have no common vaccine against it. " by Are the vaccines necessary and when Herpes vaccine will come around ?

So, for example, though I consider that mutational theories of ageing are defective as they do not establish communication between development and organism ageing, in the book is considered, how regulation and metabolism changes Genital promote increase in "contribution" of mutations in a picture of ageing and such illnesses, as an atherosclerosis and a cancer. Thus, on the basis of model considered in the book there is a possibility to search for interrelation between the main and additional factors of development, ageing and illnesses of ageing. Nobody dies of an old age: people and in an old age die of illnesses - basically as they are caused by regulation infringement. Natural death at higher organisms - death regular. Chapter 2. Wildlife riddles The wildlife stores in itself three ancient riddles: occurrence of a life, evolution and death. To solve the first of them, the strengthened attempts to reproduce process of occurrence of a life in artificial conditions now are undertaken. The second riddle - an evolution riddle, or complication and perfection of live systems at preservation of the same structural elements of a live matter is not less difficult also.

But At The System Approach To The Ageing

"During the last decade the number projects have increased, regulations have made it possible and advertisements recognizing "the right of every woman to reproductive health" is being put up around the continent. The concern deepening with the understanding of the fact of circumstantial motherhood in many countries, whereas the the right to avoid unwanted pregnancies have been finally recognized, this will help women in Africa to care more about their own health when it comes to abortion when today many using mainly chemical methods to get rid of the unwanted child. In a country like DR Congo, where the words and acts as anti-natalist abortion are prohibited by law, to spend long days, television, advertising and promotion campaigns on drugs and other devices that do perform only one effect: the death and expulsion of the human embryo in the early stages of development. In the current debate mainly from those who do not live or share the life experience of the African woman in countries like Congo there are those who do not want contraception is equivalent to abortion practices, support the pregnancy, or better human life begins only from the implantation of the fertilized ovum in the endometrium of the uterus and not from fertilization. " by Africa following the suit

But at the system approach to the ageing phenomenon value gets that helps to find a generality in various and unity in all. However the general principles of cybernetics cannot by simple extrapolation on an ageing Herpes Genital problem explain its mechanisms. The cybernetics helps to understand, how the system works, but it cannot in itself, out of the concrete data and without the aid of concrete ideas to explain why in the course of normal ageing of system of regulation cease to carry out the dominant role. And moreover, why action of cybernetic control systems forms that we name normal ageing. In this last phrase the special sense which will open to the reader in process of acquaintance with the materials presented in the book is concluded. If to tell briefly normal ageing does not exist in itself as function of astronomical time, and is a consequence of work of an organism which, operating on cybernetic principles, carries out the program of development of an organism, and then transforms this program to the ageing mechanism.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

.. And Then - As A Small Unfortunate Organism

.. And then - as a small unfortunate organism with all these(it) Cares will consult. So move, from the point of view look up in search engine of health, years preschool. As we see, the angular deviation(rejection) set right at the beginning of a vital way, Continues to accrue(increase) in relation to an optimum line. And in fact, figuratively Being expressed, each degree, let alone tens degrees of a deviation(rejection) in The beginning of a route, leads to falling of a body started into a vital orbit, Let's tell so: with a huge falling short, first, in absolutely other party(side), Secondly, with flight on very low trajectory, thirdly... These are reserves of physical health. And now we shall ponder: as business(affairs) are With reserves of development of intelligence Mentalities Sanguineous and multilateral We shall not forget that powerful spirit - one of The major, the basic firm health. With bitterness we shall tell, that These reserves at ours the Shred have been involved in even smaller degree, than Reserves physiological. It is known, that practically any juvenile child (Except for genetically damaged(injured), certainly) possesses so Enormous potentialities of perception(recognition) and processing of the diverse information, Going from the outside, that among people of mature age with them in this respect can To be compared only selected(elected) units as which we count as geniuses. Early and Superearly development, for example, carried out through game, through categories Interesting and fascinating for the kid, there is such reserve of development Persons to whom the next years already anything also will never be compared. It is curious, that clever and knowing scientists-teachers in our country- Priority to all other civilized world - have made(produced) a set Toys which are capable to accelerate becoming substantially Cogitative, logic, search skills at the child. Many years of a toy These(It) remain toys only for the to mountain-inventors, because they Are cheap both to departments and factories them to produce(make) it is economically unprofitable. And Manufacturing dolls with porcelain proceeds, and Armored troop-carriers, moving from flat .

Monday, May 11, 2009


Call for attention of medical professionals and people from around the world to the most common medical condition of Herpes that have become the label of modern society and transmitted by way of social contacts among the people from the light form of the Herpes Type A Simplex disease to by far more complex and dangerous a Genital Herpes. Wheres today the major form of preventive medicine still remains to the be at large and limited only to the self awareness and self-preservations practices if accepted by individuals through the way of learning about Herpes and understanding the importance of personal hygienics